Fast Fashion
Out with the fast & in with the slow.
Each day you dress yourself is an opportunity to embrace your individuality and tell a story about who you are. A time to express your mood, creativity or general love for the garments that drape across your skin. More often than not, I see people dressed in a ‘fashion uniform’ – to stand out & be seen wearing the latest trends or hidden by societies norm, blending in with the rest.
Maybe something to reflect on is who are you really dressing for? Stereotypes & trends for a sense of belonging or social recognition? Because if this is the case, not fulfilling your desires on a deeper level will only leave one forever searching for validation from the external world. It not only confuses your sense of identity but diminishes a connection and relationship with clothing as a form of self-expression made to be worn with love and longevity. It seems we have abandoned ourselves, & lost trust in who we want to show up as everyday.
There is no doubt that social media impacts our voice, decisions, fashion forward choices. In the fashion world we can get stuck on the latest release, must have print & bargains galore. Next time you are drawn to a piece of clothing, ask why? Personal style is an opportunity to tell your story, so lets slow down & start thinking from the heart before we label it dead & done.
Not to mention the crucial environmental impacts these decisions are pushing onto our future generations & mother earth… Here at Cali Rae we are designing garments that aren’t only eco friendly, but made to last. We don’t want you to need a new bikini, swimsuit, one piece, dress, playsuit etc every season. Our ultimate goal is for you to fall in love with a few key pieces from our collections & hold them to heart. Maybe even pass them down – We know our loved ones are all about a hand me down!
November 4, 2024 at 10:33 am
¡Muy buen artículo sobre el fast fashion! Este tema es muy relevante en la actualidad, ya que la industria de la moda rápida plantea importantes preguntas sobre sostenibilidad y ética en la producción. Es crucial que los consumidores sean conscientes de las implicaciones de sus elecciones de compra y busquen alternativas más sostenibles. Para aquellos interesados en mejorar su presencia en línea y aprender sobre SEO, recomiendo estos consejos para crear contenido SEO amigable de Telkom University Jakarta. ¡Gracias por abordar este tema tan importante!